What we do:

We provide online coaching services to help people get in shape, move better, and live healthier lives. You will never see us use a cookie cutter or one-size-fits all approach to your training. Our process starts with an intake interview with each client to set assessment metrics that make sense for them. During the interview the coach will ask questions about things like your goals, training history, and injury history to learn what you want to accomplish and why it is important to you. From there we can create a program tailored to your needs including a strength, conditioning, and nutrition programs. Once the program is created it becomes an exercise in communication: we don’t want you to do the same workout for the rest of your life, and we sure don’t want to send you workouts and never hear back from you. We want to help you solve problems and make long term progress, so the program will grow, evolve and change just as you will.




Start Weight: 271

End weight: (It's only been 6 months...who said I'm done?!?) 232

Reason for joining: I was unhappy with my health, how I felt, how I looked, and I knew I could do better. I didn't have any health issues, and I wanted to make sure it stayed that way. And when you get down to it, my clothes didn't fit anymore. And I was embarrassed. It was a "well, you either buy new, bigger clothes, or you wait to buy anything, get your ass in the gym, and buy new, smaller clothes." It really was that simple of a choice.

Goals: To be completely honest, I've never been able to sit down, look at my waist, and see my belt buckle. No matter what, there's always been some sort of gut in the way for as long as I can remember. Sure, there are other gains that happen along the way, but I think if I can sit down and see my belt buckle, I'm on the right path.

How ESC helped: From the get-go, everything has been very tailored to what I needed and what I expected to do. I've not felt once that I was given a generic workout routine, or been pressured to fit into a plan that would put unrealistic expectations on me. 

How do you feel we have helped you live a healthier lifestyle? A trainer can know everything and have a great plan to hand over to you, but they can't do the work for you. Melvin was patient with me, explaining the hows and whys of everything  he had me doing in our sessions. Nothing has fallen into a "going through the motions" trap; understanding why I was doing things made it a lot easier to buy-into why I should be doing them. Not only did it make things in the gym easier to understand, it also made me reevaluate my habits in general--diet, rest, vices, everything.



Melvin Jensen

Weightlifting, Strength Training, Individual Programming


Melvin has been involved in strength training since he was 12 years old. His father wrote workouts for him and his older brother so they could get in better shape for track and football. From that stage he fell in love with the process of setting and pursuing goals. He’s worked professionally as a trainer for 10 years during which time he’s helped athletes reach national level competitions in weightlifting, a college basketball player pivot into the NFL with a training camp invite, a grandmother lose 100 lbs to keep up with her grand kids and bunch of other transformations too.


Crystal Waters

Weightlifting, Nutrition Coaching, Individual Programming


Crystal has been involved in athletics in the form of cross country and equestrian sports since she was nine. In 2014 she found crossfit as a way to get in shape, and discovered she had a love for picking up heavy things! She began training weightlifting full time and along with a nutrition program. Since then she lost 30 lbs and kept it off. She was a double in major in college in Finance and Marketing and has worked for Amazon, so she understands the stress of trying to fit training into a busy life schedule. Her goal is to make sure every athlete recieves the support and coaching to be successful.
